Friday, April 7, 2017


So today I'm cheating a bit. This isn't my usual style of poetry (believe it or not, I'm working on my poetic voice), but this is a cause close to my heart. I also work for an organization that supports victims. And it is sexual violence awareness month. It's more prevalent than most people expect, and the idealist in me is working for a world in which it doesn't happen.

To the victims:                                                To the perpetrators:

You are not to blame.                                     It was totally your fault.

You are not dirty.                                            You should feel dirty.

You are not shameful.                                    You should be ashamed.

You are beautiful.                                            Apologize.

You are strong.                                               Make reparations.

You are loved.                                                 Be humble.

You are supported.                                         Get counseling.

You are heard.                                                Stop bragging.

You are believed.                                            Stop lying

You are healing.                                              Or you will be damaged forever.

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