Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ghosts--NaPoWriMo '15 #1


When I was much younger,
I read a story by Reginald Hill:
“There Are No Ghosts in the Soviet Union.”
Back when there was a Soviet Union
to not be haunted.

I think of that story often now.
There are no ghosts in Dubai.

Here I live amidst a district
that blossomed from the desert
a mere decade ago.
Nothing haunts these near-nascent halls.

Most would say that this is good.
Many have a terror of ghosts.

While I may dread at times,
mostly I find them comforting.
Ties to a past that soothes the soul,
allaying the sense of isolation
in this post-human age.

I miss the ghosts sometimes.

They must be about somewhere.
My students tell me that they are.
They tell me of Qareen and Djinn
in hushed, excited tones,
eager to share the mysteries of their world.

Perhaps, someday, I’ll meet them.
I would like to, as frightening as it might be.
But the reminder of being part
of something larger, a continuum,
would be welcome.

For now, though, for me,
there are no ghosts in Dubai.

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