Sadly, and happily, a true story.
"State of the World"
This morning, before breakfast,
I learned that gays were being tortured in Chechnya,
poor women are now legally denied preventative health
and a doctor in America was performing FGM on 7 year olds.
All this inside my head before I even got out of bed.
But then this morning before breakfast,
I sat on the ground in the warm sun with my dog,
and listened to the birds in the trees all around us;
smelt the new growth as spring starts its yearly
then gazed on the violets and dandelions dotting the
grass in a riot of contrasting colors.
The world around me is a constant source of grief:
tragedies, injustice, cruelty and stupidity
vying for my attention, clamoring for me to do
something to make things better. At times I think
I can take no more. The insanity has gone too far
and all hope is gone.
But then the earth itself reaches out—
A dog’s love and affection given freely;
Birds careless of human strife.
Renewal, fertility, the cycle never ending.
This is why humans have always celebrated
the arrival of spring—a healing so powerful that it
has been a goddess or the dying god returned.
Has there ever been a time when humans did not
rue the state of the world? Did not know,
that both nature and humans are
tragic, unjust, cruel and stupid?
Life is uncertain, so the only sane response
is to love and be loved,
and rejoice in the power of renewal.
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