My Magic Turtle
I used to ride to far-distant landson the back on my magical turtle.
I only ever saw his back and top
of his head—the rest buried
underground, surrounded by grass.
His smooth, grey back was large
enough for two small children
to play on. He was a place to rest.
His back hot enough to burn small legs
in summer. In winter, cold enough
to sap the warmth, even through snowpants.
I didn’t care. He was my friend and
boon companion, a calming presence
even when I shared his back with others.
But always I traveled alone,
and when we went, I had to hold still—
a turtle’s back a precarious perch.
We traveled to China and to Spain.
Dazzling princesses, regal queens, and
very kindly kings would be happy to
entertain me when I arrived with my friend.
And on very special occasions, he’d take
me to visit the Others. They didn’t live far,
but he’s the only one who knew the way.
While we flew—he was a flying turtle, of course—
I’d sing to him. But sometimesHe’d tell me stories of the places we were
headed, and I’d repeat them aloud.
No other child could fly with us—
My turtle wouldn’t speak when they
were around. Not all can keep secrets, he knew.
But dollies were allowed to share with us.
That’s when they could speak and
Join the fun.
Decades later, I visited with my infant son,
but my turtle didn’t speak to him. When Ilistened very, very carefully, I still heard
his tales. I would sit on my friend’s back
with my boy and whisper his tales into
small ears. We could no longer ride—
even a magic turtle can’t fly with a
mother and child. But my friend and I
still shared our bond, because love
and memories never die.
I did it! Thanks for sharing the ride this month. xo